Synchronization and Sharing

CloudKit is a cloud service solution launched by Apple, specifically crafted for developers, aimed at efficiently and swiftly implementing the storage of application data in iCloud, thereby providing users with cloud storage and multi-device sharing services for their data. For small and medium-sized developers, CloudKit offers a powerful feature for their applications with almost no additional cost. This is also one of the significant distinctions between Apple’s ecosystem and other platforms.

CloudKit offers three different services: storing structured data through the CloudKit API, storing file data, and storing key-value data. Here, I have compiled some articles I wrote, explaining how to integrate CloudKit into applications.

Core Data with CloudKit

Cloud Document Service.

Cloud Key-Value Data Storage Service.

A cloud-based service similar to UserDefaults.

  • Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore with SwiftUI

    NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is an official solution provided by Apple for sharing key-value data across devices. This article offers a simple introduction to its usage, focusing on how to conveniently use NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore in SwiftUI.

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